Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

I celebrate myself. So many things come to mind when I hear those words. They are only three simple words, yet they can be interpreted in so many different ways. The topic "I celebrate myself" encompasses the majority of people who seem self absorbed. When someone is self absorbed at an extreme level it is seen as selfish and rude. Yet, to some extent, most people are self absorbed, in a more minimal way. When you think about it, how we do in school, how good at something we are, and how successful we are are all ways people judge us. These things are the foundations of what make us "good people". Of course these are society's broad standards, but we judge ourselves even more harshly than those around us do. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be accepted by society. Everyone wants to be good enough. In order to meet these expectations we must focus on ourselves and do our best. Not as often as we criticize ourselves do we celebrate ourselves. We all work toward being the best and being accepted but just as quickly as we reach our goals, we set new ones. Society's standards are ever changing and it seems impossible to take the time to celebrate ourselves when necessary.


  1. I agree that it is rarely a time to celebrate ourselves. But in what ways do we celebrate ourselves? Do we truly set goals so quickly that we don't get the chance to celebrate the accomplishment of our old goal?

  2. I agree with you! In our society we are so quick to always try to be the best to points we wear ourselves out. Anytime we make mistakes we are always so hard on ourselves, and we never take the time to celebrate ourselves. Why do you think this is?
