Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

This week’s blog topic allows us to connect what we have been learning in class all throughout the beginning of this year to modern times and society today. Historically, the puritans were known for being extremely stringent. Children always had to obey adults, and everyone had to obey the bible. The puritans were extremely religious peoples and could be harsh at times if someone failed to follow the religious or political laws.  A common example of this is in The Scarlet Letter, which we are currently reading. Hester committed adultery, a violation of one of the ten commandments, and had to pay for it her entire life. In terms of connecting The Scarlet letter and the puritan ways to today, I guess you could say most religious groups are still “strict” but usually not to the severity of the puritans. For example, catholics are still required to follow the ten commandments and what not, although if the commandments aren’t always respected there is no punishment. Modern civilization has progressed from being so authoritarian and today most people are liberal to some extent. Using the same adultery example in the Scarlet Letter, if someone today were to commit adultery, it would still be seen as immoral and inappropriate, but that person wouldn’t be scrutinized or humiliated. 

1 comment:

  1. You took a different take on this assignment than i did which i think is pretty interesting that you connected it to a story.
